February 5, 2018
The November 2016 United States Presidential Election created a surprise outcome. It has taken a full year since the January 2017 inauguration of President Trump for not just the United States, but also the world, to find some degree of pathway and navigation strategy. But certain individuals, some companies, many countries, and even some regional organizations in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East are succeeding in replacing uncertainty and volatility with investment plans and doing business.
Unless there is a major disruption in the United States or the global order, President Trump’s influence on the environment for doing business in the United States and doing business with companies governed by United States law and regulations will be in place from 2018 through 2020. The elections of November 2020 then will set the path and general direction for the next four-year segment of 2021 to 2024.
These three years of 2018 to 2020 are too important to lose. A mindset of worry and uncertainty will lead to inaction and lost opportunities. Instead, it is critical to define the broad framework of a path to success.
As lawyers who bring the combination of Immigration and Corporate (Business) to our consultations, we at Christophe Law Group would like to suggest the following approach:
Principle Number One: The United States is open for business even more than ever before. Despite the loud voices in our US political debates, the priorities of job creation, the need to increase governmental tax revenue at every level, a welcoming approach to investors and business expansion, lowered corporate tax rates, and access to skilled professionals in legal, compliance, accounting and tax – all of these make it possible for an individual, a family office, a company or an investment group to act quickly and decisively to do business and make investments in the United States.
Principle Number Two: The US China business opportunity should focus only on the sectors where such business cooperation is encouraged. The practical and wise approach is to avoid the sectors where there is sensitivity, politics, controversy or concern from either government. It is clear and obvious where these boundaries are and where they will likely remain for at least 2018 to 2020.
Principle Number Three: The Greater New York Metropolitan Region is the obvious number one area for US China business opportunities for 2018 to 2020. The New York Metropolitan Combined Statistical Area has a population of more than 23 million and a GDP that is larger than all but seven nations in the world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_metropolitan_area The region has the largest number of foreign born residents in the world and New York City is second only to London in the number of foreign born residents. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_born#Metropolitan_regions_with_largest_foreign_born_populations The opportunity to do business with a New York City home base of operations is a natural first choice strategy for US China Business.
There is an applicable phrase that “change is constant.” The dramatic surprise of the November 2016 election, together with the follow-on effects in 2017, should not cloud our collective visibility of the opportunities. With the Three Principles described above, there is a Path to Success for US China Business 2018 to 2020.
This article is intended to provide general information and not legal advice. If you think that you or someone you know could benefit from a consultation, you may want to contact an attorney for further information. Our office, located at 2 Wall Street in New York, New York has qualified attorneys eager to assist in immigration and corporate (business) matters.
Please feel free to contact our office in New York, NY at (212) 344-3800 if you are interested in scheduling a consultation. We are here to help.
Charles Christophe, Esq. & George King, Esq.
The attorneys of Christophe Law Group, P.C. assist clients throughout the greater New York and New Jersey area including Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Staten Island, Westchester, Jersey City, Hoboken, Union City, Weehawken, West New York, Secaucus, North Bergen, Bayonne, Newark, Cliffside Park, Harrison, Edgewood, North Arlington and Rutherford.